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Mr. Z
936 Deviations

- Or not. Who cares.

I might end banned permanently from DA depending on the point of view of whoever reviews my current case. Is not such a big deal because who continues using DA anyway?

It is kinda weird considering that I have posted around 25 pics in 5 years, and that the last pic uploaded was posted half a year ago (Nov'22).

Just letting you (the few who still use this place) know. I still have my pixiv, baraag and twitter, so it doesn;t even matter.

So, if I end banned, have a great life whoever continues using DA.

-Gara (26, August, 2023)

170928 - Reload everyminute EDIT
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151215---Gara-Journal-2-Columnas A by Garabatoz

And Anothe year is Gone.

151215---Gara-Journal-2-Columnas B by Garabatoz

Y otro año se fue.

Sun Day by Garabatoz

Moving on

First, Thank you very much for the birthday wishes people :) (Specially to those who sent a pic Kissy Heart Face Emoji ).
Second, Let's see if I can be more "active". Not sure if here at DA due to the known restrictions, but probably at pixiv, tumblr or twitter. About the patreon yes, most pictures are uploaded first at patreon but, aside from sketches, everything will be publicly posted eventually.

Finally, Let me tell you that I'm not going to (can't) write the link to my pixiv here, but if you have been following the latest FOP comic you should know it by now. If you are unable to "figure that out" probably you are too young to see that kind of stuff... or you can't move your eyes 1 milimeter :V.

And that's all, enjoy the final day :D.

Primero, Gracias por sus buenos deseos de cumpleaños :) (especialmente a aquellos que me enviaron alguna imagen Kissy Heart Face Emoji ).
Segundo, Dejenme ver si puedo ser mas "activo". No estyo seguro si aqui en DA debido a las restricciones, pero probablemente en pixiv, tumbly o twitter.. Sobre patreon si, la mayoria de las imagenes se suben ahi primero pero, aparte de los sketches, todo sera publicamente posteado eventualmente.

Finalmente, Les dire que no voy a (no puedo) escribir el link a mi pixiv aqui, pero si han estado siguiendo el ultimo comic de FOP ya deberian saberlo. Si en realidad no lo pueden "averiguarlo" probablemente son muy jovenes para ser ese tipo de cosas... o no pueden mover los ojos 1 milimetro :V.

Y eso es todo, disfruten el dia final :D.
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3 min read

161120-Journal A by Garabatoz

161120-Journal B by Garabatoz

Since I don't post many updates it's easy to track my journals. I'm sure that at least a few will remember that a year ago I mentioned that someone from my family was in the hospital, eventually things got relatively back to normal however, the entire year was somewhat stressful.
Anyway, just a couple of months ago the situation became worse and later apparently normal at the point that he came back to home, you know the calm before the storm, I posted some tweets about that from the hospital. The point is that back at home this person, who was my Father, passed away the day 23th of March.

Two weeks have passed since that day and due to some bad financial decisions on his last year there are still details and paperwork that must be solved but things are, once again, slowly getting back to normal. So I should be uploading at least some finished commissions at DA.

You don't need to say anything about this, I know that it's a complex topic, in fact normally I don't like to post drama or this kind of stuff but I felt that I should say something at least.

For now, see you later and have a good day people.
Ya que no subo tantas actualizaciones es facil buscar mis journals. Estoy seguro que por lo menos algunos recordaran que hace un año mencione algo sobre alguien de mi familia en el hospital, eventualmente las cosas regresaron relativamente a la normalidad sin embargo, el año entero fue bastante estresante.
Como sea, hace solo unos meses la situacion se puso peor y despues aparentemente normal al punto que regreso a casa, ya saben la calma antes de la tormenta, postee algunos tweets sobre eso desde el hospital. El punto es que ya en casa esta persona, que era mi Padre, fallecio el dia 23 de Marzo.

Han pasado dos semanas desde ese dua y debido a algunas malas decisiones financieras en su ultimo año aun hay detalles y papeleo que se debe resovler pero las cosas estan, otra vez, volviendo lentamente a la normalidad. Asi que deberia estar subiendo por lo menos algunas comisiones terminadas en DA.

No necesitan decir nada sobre esto, se que es un tema complicado de abordar, de hecho normalmente no me gusta hacer drama o este tipo de cosas pero senti de debia decir algo por lo menos.

Por ahora, nos vemos luego y que tenga un buen dia.
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NOV - 2016

8 min read

161120-Journal A by Garabatoz
November 2016

Time to a new update, first random things and the "important news?" at the end.

161120-Journal B by Garabatoz
Noviembre 2016

Es hora de una nueva actualizacion, primero algunas cosas insignificantes y al final las "¿noticias importantes?"

161120-Journal C by Garabatoz
The Bad

Recently weather has been a bitch, in a single morning it rained so much that we had flooding problems, thankfully it wasn't extreme and nothing was lost.
It was worse because weather forecast predicted even more rain... So we were  expecting blackouts (which used to be normal some time ago).
But in the end everything went well.
Lo Malo

Recientemente el clima a estado de la patada, en una sola mañana llovio tanto que se inundo la casa, lo bueno es que no fue tan extremo y nada se perdio.
Fue aun peor por que se pronosticaba aun mas lluvia... Asi que estabamos a pendiente de los apagones (que solian ser comunes hace algun tiempo).
Pero al final todo salio bien.

161120-Journal E by Garabatoz
The Good

Some may remember that months ago I mentioned some problems with my Graphic Card, basically with any game or different resolutions (Blue Screens and stuff like that), it's functional but old and cheap.

Anyway, I finally got a new one (GTX1060) and everything is ok. I was finally able to play on the PC so, I've been testing some games on Steam: Scribblenauts, Costume Quest, Sniper Elite V2, Age of Empires 2HD and some indies too.
Also, I tried the ACNL "Welcome Amiibo" update just a bit and literally (Lori) spent this satuday playing Pokemon Sun.

I grind too much on this kind of games so, by the time I attempt the first Trial, my pokemons were 10 levels higher than the Kahuna Matata. Around 20 hours playing and I just left the first island XD. Man, I'm slow... But I enjoy it.
Lo Bueno

Algunos recordaran que hace meses mencione algunos problemas con la tarjeta grafica, basicamente con cualquier juego o cambio de resolucion (Pantallas Azules y cosas por el estilo), es funcional pero vieja y barata.

Como sea, finalmente compre una nueva (GTX1060) y todo anda bien. Por fin pude jugar en la PC asi que he estado probando algunos juegos en Steam: Scribblenauts, Costume Quest, Sniper Elite V2, Age of Empires 2HD y algunos indies.
Tambien prove un poco la actualizacion "Welcome Amiibo" de ACNL y literalmente (Lori) me pase todo el sabado jugando Pokemon Sol.

Grindeo demasiado en ese tipo de juegos asi que, cuando intente el primer reto, mis pokemons eran 10 niveles mas alto que el Kahuna Matata. Despues de casi 20 horas de juego y apenas he salido de la primera isla XD. Si que soy lento... pero lo he disfrutado

161120-Journal D by Garabatoz
The Relevant

People keep asking me about the sites where my pictures are posted so let me "try" to explain/talk a bit about that. Since my english is terrible please be careful and read between the lines.

Let's start with my blog which I barely use but, due to that reason, it's somewhat irrelevant and "neutral" so I can write/post the link here . You can find the links to my others sites there.

The death of Tumblr, the terrorist's victory.
I've had 3 tumblrs (if I remember): The first time I didn't know tumblr rules so it was filled with nsfw content therefore, it was deleted; The second one had a long life but in the end it was deleted using this… as pretext (Thank God in the DA version that word was censored ¬_¬); The third and last one lasted a week or so, barely 10 post, nothing nsfw and still I was banned again.
The reason according to tumblr, nsfw content reported. My assumptions? The same little bitches attacked again and, in tubmlr, you're guilty until proven innocent.
So, What's the deal?. If you are banned for nothing, there's no point in creating a new mail/tumblr.

Now I have Twitter too, which was created as tumblr's substitute but it's restrictive and used mostly for random stuff.

Then the good 'ol Pixiv. Basically all my 'finished' nsfw content ends there, censored due to pixiv rules. For those asking, you must have an account (which can be customized to display the site in english) and check your filters.

Finally Patreon.
Where should I start? Maybe from the beginnning: I heard about Patreon long time ago, the idea sounds attractive to many but for some reason it didn't feel that good to me. People kept telling me about it so I ended creating mine two years ago but, after looking at the regulations, I left the site.
Just recently, in the verge of my tumblr's death this year, I decided that is was time to "activate" Patreon as last resort.

I don't mention Patreon that much because I still have my reservations about the site, also the fact that right now it works as a tip-jar and the only 'reward' are sketches that normally are not posted online and seeing stuff before others.
There's people that don't like Patreon and I get it, but please understand (not from the viewer standpoint) that I'm trying not to risk anything anymore. Keep in mind that normally I have a good reasons to do certain things.

A single site for everything is probably the best idea, but I don't know which one allows any kind of 'drawings' since recently, those seems to be worse that real illegal stuff.

And that's it guys, until next time. (Hopefully, even with my terrible english some will understand the idea XP.)
Lo relevante

La gente me sigue preguntando sobre los sitios donde mis dibujos se suben asi que dejenme "intentar" explicar/hablar sobre el asunto.

Comencemos con mi blog el cual casi no uso pero, por esa misma razon, es algo irrelevante y "neutral" asi que puedo escribir/postear el link aqui . Ahi pueden encontrar los links de todos los otros sitios.

La muerte de Tumblr, La victoria de los terroristas.
He tenido 3 tumblrs (si mal no recuerdo): La primera vez no sabia las reglas asi que lo llene de contenido nsfw por lo tanto, fue borrado; El segundo tuvo una larga vida pero al final fue borrado usando esto… como pretexto (Gracias a dios la palabra esta censurada aqui en DA ¬_¬); El tercero y ultimo duro una semana masomenos, muy apenas 10 posts, nada nsfw y aun asi fui baneado otra vez.
La razon segun tumblr, reportado por contenido nsfw. ¿Mi suposicion? Los mismos pendejines atacaron de nuevo y, en tumblr, siempre eres culpable hasta probar lo contrario.
Asi que, ¿Cual es el punto?. Si te banean por nada, no tiene objeto crear un nuevo mail/tumblr.

Ahora tambien tengo Twitter, el cual cree como substituto de tumblr pero es algo restrictivo asi que lo uso mas que nada para cualquier cosa.

Despues el viejo y confiable Pixiv. Basicamente todos los dibujos nsfw 'acabados' terminan ahi, censurados debido a las politicas de pixiv. Para aquellos preguntando, necesitan tener una cuenta (a la que le pueden cambiar el idioma) y checar sus filtros.

Finalmente Patreon.
¿Donde empiezo? Tal vez desde el principio: Escuche sobre Patreon hace mucho tiempo, la idea suena atractiva para muchos pero por alguna razon no se sentia tan bien para mi. La gente siguio diciendome al respecto  asi que termine creando  el mio hace dos años pero, despues de ver las regulaciones, deje el sitio.
Solo recientemente, cuando mi tumblr se veia mas amenazado este año, decidi que era hora de activar "activar" Patreon como ultimo recurso.

No lo menciono mucho por que aun tengo mis dudas sobre el sitio, tambien por que justo ahora funciona mas como una jarra de propinas y la unica 'recompensa' son sketches que normalmente no se postean en linea y ver cosas antes que los demas.
Hay gente a la que no le gusta patreon y lo entiendo, pero por favor comprendan (no desde el punto de vista del observador) que ya no estoy intentando arriesgar nada. Tengan en consideracion que normalmente tengo buenas razones para hacer ciertas cosas.

Un sitio unico para todo seria probablemente lo mejor, pero no se cual permitiria todo tipo de 'dibujos' ya que, recientemente, eso parece ser peor que cosas realmente ilegales.

Y eso es todo chicos, hasta la proxima vez.
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151215---Gara-Journal-2-Columnas A by Garabatoz

Hey guys, I'm almost done with the commissions, I must reply a few more and that's it. For random news, updates or dumb messages check my twitter

151215---Gara-Journal-2-Columnas B by Garabatoz

Hey chicos, casi termino con las comisiones, debo responder algunas mas y listo. Para ver noticias, actualizaciones o mensajes tontos chequen mi twitter

161011 - Gara NES video card by Garabatoz

The Video Card Strikes Back

As I mentioned some journals ago my Video Card was one of the cheapest I found almost 4 years ago. I've noticed some details about the card before but yesterday I was cleaning a bit and, when I tried to turn on the PC I got no video (nothing)... at some point, and just because I don't have any respect for the Card anymore, I took it out and cleaned it in a very "hard way".
As you can see I'm here writing this, you can see that it worked... for now.

Anyway, probably I should buy a new card (this time for real) for my MoBo (Asus M5A97 R2.0) but I'm not sure which one would be the best for me since I'm looking for a nice/good card but not for the best (most expensive) card.

Previously some people recommended to me:the GTX750Ti, GTX950 or GTX960. But I'm really indecisive when it comes to this kind of stuff so meanwhile I'll continue working with this one... Ideally I would like to upgrade asap.

And that's it, see ya later.
La Tarjeta de Video Contra Ataca

Como habia mencionado hace unos journals mi tarjeta de video era una de  las mas baratas que encontre hace casi 4 años. Ya antes he notado algunos detalles sobre la tarjeta pero ayer estaba limpiando un poco y, cuando intente encender la PC no habia video (nada)... en algun momento, y simplemente por que ya no le tengo respeto, la saque y la limpie de una manera bastante "dura".
Ya que estoy escribiendo esto, pueden ver que funciono... por ahora.

Como sea, probablemente deberia comprar una nueva tarjeta (esta vez en serio) para mi Tarjeta Madre (Asus M5A97 R2.0) pero no estoy seguro de cual seria la mejor para mi ya que estoy buscando una buena tarjeta pero no la mejor (mas cara).

Previamente algunas personas me recomendaron: la GTX750Ti, GTX950 o la GTX960. Pero como soy muy indeciso para este tipo de cosas mientras tanto seguire usando la que tengo... Idealmente me gustaria upgradear lo mas rapido posible.

Y eso es todo, nos vemos.

Locations of Site Visitors
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The end of an Era- by Garabatoz, journal

Happy Birthday to The Sun by Garabatoz, journal

BAD MARCH NEWS by Garabatoz, journal

NOV - 2016 by Garabatoz, journal

The Video Card Strikes Back by Garabatoz, journal