Happy Birthday to The Sun

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151215---Gara-Journal-2-Columnas A by Garabatoz

And Anothe year is Gone.

151215---Gara-Journal-2-Columnas B by Garabatoz

Y otro año se fue.

Sun Day by Garabatoz

Moving on

First, Thank you very much for the birthday wishes people :) (Specially to those who sent a pic Kissy Heart Face Emoji ).
Second, Let's see if I can be more "active". Not sure if here at DA due to the known restrictions, but probably at pixiv, tumblr or twitter. About the patreon yes, most pictures are uploaded first at patreon but, aside from sketches, everything will be publicly posted eventually.

Finally, Let me tell you that I'm not going to (can't) write the link to my pixiv here, but if you have been following the latest FOP comic you should know it by now. If you are unable to "figure that out" probably you are too young to see that kind of stuff... or you can't move your eyes 1 milimeter :V.

And that's all, enjoy the final day :D.

Primero, Gracias por sus buenos deseos de cumpleaños :) (especialmente a aquellos que me enviaron alguna imagen Kissy Heart Face Emoji ).
Segundo, Dejenme ver si puedo ser mas "activo". No estyo seguro si aqui en DA debido a las restricciones, pero probablemente en pixiv, tumbly o twitter.. Sobre patreon si, la mayoria de las imagenes se suben ahi primero pero, aparte de los sketches, todo sera publicamente posteado eventualmente.

Finalmente, Les dire que no voy a (no puedo) escribir el link a mi pixiv aqui, pero si han estado siguiendo el ultimo comic de FOP ya deberian saberlo. Si en realidad no lo pueden "averiguarlo" probablemente son muy jovenes para ser ese tipo de cosas... o no pueden mover los ojos 1 milimetro :V.

Y eso es todo, disfruten el dia final :D.
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Lawman09's avatar
Happy B-lated birthday!